(c) 2009-2022 Sébastien WILLEMIJNS

Links to avoid scam or fraud
WARNING: alpha state / some text can be in French sorry
WARNING: alpha state / some text can be in French sorry
WARNING: alpha state / some text can be in French sorry


WARRANTY: I'm trying to update reguraly, no warranty if these info are yet available
clauses abustives French site
Directive 3

Generic Law
Complain form

European Union: Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia (7/1/2013) Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden (United Kingdom until 29th March 2019 ???) members: Angola Australia Azerbaijan Barbados Canada Colombia Chile China Costa Rica Dominican Republic Egypt El Savador Israel Japan Kenya Rep. of Korea Kosovo Mexico Mongolia New Zealand Nigeria Norway Panama Papua Peru New Guinea Philippines Seychelles Switzerland Suriname Turkey United States Vietnam Zambia.
Notice than this list does not contain partners and observers.
Uptodate list seems to be here at

European Union: " The average  consumer, as interpreted by the European Court of Justice, is "reasonably well-informed and reasonably observant and circumspect"
Directive 05 April 1993 (number 93/13/CEE):
1. A contractual term which has not been individually negotiated shall be regarded as unfair if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant imbalance in the parties'rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer.
alinéa 3:
(j) enabling the seller or supplier to alter the terms of the contract unilaterally without a valid reason which is specified in the contract;
Subparagraph (j) is also without hindrance to terms under which a seller or supplier reserves the right to alter unilaterally the conditions of a contract of indeterminate duration, provided that he is required to inform the consumer with reasonable notice and that the consumer is free to dissolve the contract.
A few other countries: (online form is available)
A few other countries:
Australia: TRADE PRACTICES ACT 1974 - SECT 64 (2A) A corporation shall not, in trade or commerce, assert a right to payment from a person for unsolicited services unless the corporation has reasonable cause to believe that there is a right to payment.
France: this delay is on this law "L121-84 * code de la consommation":
le professionnel doit informer le consommateur du changement de ses CGV au moins un mois avant son entrée en vigueur, assorti de l'information selon laquelle ce dernier peut, tant qu'il n'a pas expressément accepté les nouvelles conditions, résilier le contrat sans pénalité de résiliation et sans droit à dédommagement, jusque dans un délai de quatre mois après l'entrée en vigueur de la modification.
Extrait du Hors-Serie Guide du cyberconsommateur "60 millions" Novembre-Decembre 2009 p102:
Si vous achetez auprès d'un professionnel situé à l'étranger, la loi qui s'applique est en principe celle du pays du professionnel. Mais si le site vise explicitement le marché Français, par exemple s'il dispose d'une interface en langue Française ou s'il a démarché une clientèle française et vous permet de commander à distance, c'est la loi française qui prévaut.

(I'm working on a charter v1.02: By choosing this free account, i agree (whatever old, actual or new ToS/AUP or price list):
- My free account will be automatically suspended without warning if the free service is closed and you decide not to upgrade to paid account. - information and/or data i given is my property and must be private by default.
- Because these ToS will be regurarly monitored by online tools, the webpage (a) must be deleted if content becomes not used or outdated AND (b) can not be changed/blocked/deleted "on the fly" depending of country, IP, browser/user-agent or other method(s) like PHP/Ajax/ASP/JS/Java/Flash/Air/Mono/SilverLight scripts or tools which can be added on the ToS page... in other words, tools i use must give me when i want real updated ToS webpage than every customer who can read and accept to access to the service.
- Classical approach as nospam, nowarez (and maybe nosex depending of the service) are applicable for the end user.
This charter replaces ToS part is valid forever except if you choose a paid account, the return to a free offer automatically valid again this charter. This charter also permit to avoid scam / fraud / free trial masked by a 100% free offer) and give you the guarantee to never pay It is near of mandatory to print this document to keep a proof coz lot of services can forgot them.

List of service(s) included on VIVILPROJECT tables which respect this charter:

What's new ?

July 22 2009: Alpha document

- JavaScript used to sort table is on MIT License.

[English] Your suggestions and comments interest me !
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